Vests for Hunters Education

Published on 09/13/23

Although hunting seems like a hazardous activity, it is actually rated safer than sports like football and even golf. In part that is due to the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Hunter Education Program, required for new hunters since 1957 and taught by hundreds of dedicated volunteer hunter education instructors who emphasize safety, ethics and responsibility. Hundreds of aspiring hunters will soon be in Hunter Ed classes across the Flathead.

Hunting Vests

Another crucial safety factor is the requirement to wear at least 400 square inches of hunter orange above the waist. Safety vests have been shown to reduce injuries and death due to mistaken identity by 94%. Flathead Wildlife has once again partnered with Flathead Electric Coop’s Roundup For Safety Program to buy a hunter orange vest for every graduate of the Hunter Education Program. It’s a real treat to see beaming young hunters coming through check stations with their game and sporting their hunter education vests.

Hunters Education with Students

Thanks to Roundup For Safety for supporting this great program. if you are a Flathead Electric customer, consider rounding up your utility bill. Just a few pennies a month can help make the Flathead a safer place.

Hooked on Fishing

Published on 04/21/23

Hooked on Fishing

Hooked on Fishing

Bruce Gipe and Jim Vashro helped the Hedges School Hooked On Fishing (HOF) classes plant rainbow trout in Dry Bridge Pond yesterday. This is a unique opportunity started about 20 years ago. The students walk over from school, the plant is arranged by Fish, Wildlife and Parks. Creston National Fish Hatchery brought over 500 2-1/2 year old rainbow trout averaging 11”-12”. The students first got a talk on fish biology, fish identification, proper catch and release techniques and were warned against illegal fish plants. The fish were then transferred to five gallon buckets, the students carried the fish down to dump in the pond. Bruce and Jim and another adult helped to make sure just the fish went in the pond, not buckets and students. Hooked on Fishing Afterwards the students picked up litter in Dry Bridge Park (the Sledding Gully) and were treated to ice cream treats courtesy of Flathead Wildlife. Hooked on Fishing Dry Bridge is a Family Fishing Pond, many of these students live in the neighborhood. You’ll see them hiking or biking in after school or coming down after dinner with their family to fish. Fishing is open to everyone, adults catch and release, kids fourteen and younger can keep o!

Hooked on Fishing

Bruce Gipe recorded a video, Casey Kreider with the Daily Interlake got a great action shot (link below). Article in the Daily Interlake

Ice Fishing

Published on 02/05/23

Chancy Jeschke of Chancy and Dave’s Fish Camp, presentation, Ice Fishing 101:

Ice Safety you are ”Never too Safe”: Chancy told stories of falling through ice even when drilling holes as he worked his way from shore. Dark spots in ice might be a sign of weak ice, especially if the lake has underground springs.

Ice Fishing

Safety Equipment:

30 ft Rope with life preserver or a loop at end -used to throw to victim and keeps rescuer (Chancy & Jim) from falling into hole with the victim.

Ice picks attached to string that is worn around neck on outside of coat-used by victim to help pull themselves from the water onto the ice.

Ice Cleats with strap over the boot- used to walk out on slippery ice which prevents falling injuries.

Extra set of clothes kept at vehicle incase you fall through the ice, you can then change from wet to dry.

Hand & Toe warmers- place inside gloves or boots for extra warmth

Good quality Outerwear- prevents hypothermia and frostbite

Ice Fishing Class

Technology and Ice Fishing:

Vexilar fish finder – will show water column and fish activity, batteries last longer if recharge often and keep in warm environment. Prices range from $300-$400. Very reliable.

Fish finders -all kinds: Garmin, Hummingbird. Garmin just came out with the “Garmin Live Scope” which shows different perspectives under water, downward, 60 ft in all directions to 120 ft in forward perspective. $3500.Can, also, be set up in a boat.

Augers – Most ice fisherman are using lithium battery powered augers now. Quiet, light weight and reliable, can drill a lot of holes on one charge. $400- $500. Also, a K-drill which uses a hand drill attached to the auger shaft to drill ($200).

JawJacker – this device holds an ice fishing rod. A loop at the end of a fishing rod is hooked to the mechanism and will release the rod when a fish bites and thus setting the hook. The law allows one person to use two rods…so they can hold one rod and the JawJacker will hold the other or simply one rod in each hand.

Lures/Jigs – Chancy showed several, but there are as many jigs as there are fisherman, probably more! Tungsten jigs are new and popular. Hali jigs are good and run $7, or a pkg of three Celsius jigs for the same price. Support local businesses that make jigs…Zimmers, American Tradition, Back Water Boys.

Other tips for Ice fishing:

Techniques to attract fish- Lunker Lotion is good with Kokanee. Stir up bottom by bouncing jig will attract perch. Small mouth bass are curious about sound…banging rocks together, crinkle bottle will attract them. Kokanee excited by big sweeps or sometimes barely moving the jig.

Time of day – Early morning to about 11am is best bite. Crappies are light sensitive so best bite is late evening or fishing in brown water. Pike bite is better in the afternoon when sun begins to dip.

Line – Ice line is just marketing…same normal fishing line in smaller amount for higher price. Berkley Solar line seems to work in cold water. Braided line is good for depth. Use 3-4 lb. test line for pan fish.

Reels – Just transfer open water reel to ice rod.

Rods – Match rod to fish you’re fishing for…heavier fish/heavier rod…lighter fish/lighter rod. Chancy’s business sells a “Perch Assault rod”. Good for pan fish and sells at $25. Comes in 32”, 38” and 40”. Can have a spring bobber built into the rod for light bites. There are many brands out there.

Bait – Kokanee fishing, 3 or 4 maggots are added to the hook on the jig with the last maggot covering the point. Maggots can be red or white. Also, grubs, waxworms and mealworms are popular for Kokanee. Chancy likes the Northland Forage Minnow to catch perch, walleye and whitefish.

Why We Fight for Flathead Wildlife

Published on 11/05/22

This is why we fight for wildlife habitat and public access.

Over the last three years Flathead Wildlife, the Montana Wildlife Federation and a host of other groups supported the acquisition of the Bad Rock Wildlife Management Area (WMA). Located near Columbia Falls, the 772 acre parcel was owned by Glencore/Columbia Falls Aluminum Company. Bounded by the Flathead River, the property was relatively undeveloped and hosts a variety of wildlife. The Flathead Land Trust led the effort to raise the $590,000 matching funds for the purchase, FWP’s Habitat Montana contributed $2.5 million and LWCF made up the remaining $4 million. The acquisition was approved by the FW Commission and received final approval by the State Land Board in November, 2021. So instead of becoming a high priced subdivision, the area will remain as wildlife habitat and a migratory corridor.

Youth Hunter with Bull Elk

Due to the relative small size and proximity to Columbia Falls, FWP manages the general hunting season for youth hunters by reservation only to control pressure. Here’s one of the first youth hunters, 13 year old Schafer VandeVoort, in the new WMA with a beautiful bull elk.

Photo provided by Schafer’s proud mom, Rachel Schmidt.

Church Slough

Published on 03/19/22

Waterfowl are starting their migration north. Freezeout Lake is a spectacular stop-over but there are many smaller important resting places,200 acre Church Slough in the Flathead Valley is one.

Church Slough

10 years ago a developer petitioned Flathead County to move a county road along Church Slough to develop waterfront property. Flathead Wildlife intervened, arguing the county road was the best place to watch wildlife and the only option for the public to launch a boat. After negotiations, a 1.75 acre parcel was donated to the county to develop a public boat access and viewing spot. Flathead Wildlife then successfully petitioned FWP to close Church Slough to boating from March 1 to April 10 so resting waterfowl would not be disturbed.

Class at Church Slough

A group of 7th graders from Evergreen School are viewing waterfowl aided by Denny Olson from Flathead Audubon and Laura Katzman from the Flathead Land Trust. Waterfowl included tundra swans, Canada geese, redheads, pintails, mallards and widgeon along with bald eagles with the Swan Mountains as a backdrop. Watch for waterfowl numbers to increase soon, the peak at Freezeout is usually around March 25th.

March President’s Letter

Published on 03/12/22

Click the link below to download the complete March FWI Newsletter.
FWI March Newsletter

I once worked for a fish hatchery manager who grew up on a ranch in the 1920s near Bluewater, south of Laurel. He said one day his Dad came home and said “You’ll never guess what I saw”. The kids guessed everything from elephants to hot air balloons. But when his Dad said “I saw a deer”, they were all dumbfounded, they had never seen a deer there. If you know that country it now has abundant deer, as does most of Montana.

President Jim Vashro 8211 turkey

The recovery of wildlife in the American West is one of the world’s great conservation stories. Unlimited market and subsistence hunting in the late 1800s decimated the seemingly limitless wildlife populations in Montana, by the turn of the 20th century wildlife was just a memory in major parts of Montana. Starting as early as the 1860s in territorial Montana hunters started asking for controls on harvest and protection of habitat. Rod and gun clubs sprang up in most major Montana communities to press for current and future conservation of wildlife. Early conservationists Teddy Roosevelt and George Bird Grinnell came to their calling due to their experiences as hunters. They were followed by other visionaries such as Aldo Leopold and in more recent times Valerius Geist, Shane Mahoney and Montana’s own Jim Posewitz who helped develop the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.

1. Wildlife resources are conserved and held in trust for all citizens by the government. This was a radical change from Europe where wildlife is owned by royalty. In America wildlife is owned by all of us (public) for common benefit.

2. Wildlife cannot be slaughtered for commercial purposes. While some parts such as furs can be sold, sale of wildlife meat is prohibited.

3. Wildlife is allocated by law. Regulations determine how wildlife is managed, hunting seasons and bag limits protect from overharvest and fairly apportion harvest between hunters.

4. Wildlife may only be killed for legitimate, non-frivolous purposes. Wildlife shall be taken by legal and ethical means (fair chase) and for legitimate purposes such as food and fur, self defense or protection of property.

5. Wildlife is an international resource. Wildlife does not recognize political boundaries so it will be managed cooperatively.

6. Hunting, fishing, and trapping shall be democratic. Every citizen, regardless of wealth, social standing, or land ownership, is allowed to participate in the harvest of fish and wildlife within legal limits.

7. Science plays a key role in managing wildlife. Wildlife populations are sustained and managed by agency professionals.

This Model has served us well. Along with laws, hunters agreed to pay for wildlife management through license fees and excise taxes on sporting goods. Hunting is conservation. But special interest groups continually try to claim wildlife for their own special benefit and gain such as through Ranching For Wildlife or regulations that will benefit a select few. Hunters must remain vigilant to protect the Public Trust now and for future generations.

Jim Vashro

_The preceding comments are mine alone and don’t necessarily reflect the policies of Flathead Wildlife, Inc. _

Click the link below to download the complete March FWI Newsletter.
FWI March Newsletter

FWI February Newsletter

Published on 03/12/22

Download the complete FWI February Newsletter by click on the link below.

FWI February Newsletter

January 2022 President’s Letter

Published on 01/10/22

I recently signed onto the Op-Ed below with 17 other elk hunters. Moose, sheep and goats are ultimate trophies but luck of the draw means most of us will have few, if any, chances to hunt them. That makes elk the top hunting trophy for most Montanans. But elk are at a crossroads. Access is getting more difficult, different interests are competing for an advantage over others in bagging an elk. The Montana Elk Management Plan is getting a much needed make-over, adopted 16 years ago many parts are no longer relevant. FWP Director Hank Worsech also just announced he was going to form an additional elk management group. There’s no word what that will look like or how that will interact with the ongoing Management Plan committee. And the Montana Legislature has introduced many bills to impact hunting for elk and other wildlife. Concerned Montana hunters are forming a citizens’ coalition, The Montana Citizens’ Elk Management Coalition, to hopefully find some common points of interest amongst all the users – hunters, landowners and outfitters, to offer up common sense solutions and ensure average Montanans have a voice in the process. It won’t be easy but elk are worth it.

The thoughts in the attached file (Montana Citizens Elk Management Coalition) are mine and don’t necessarily reflect the goals or policies of Flathead Wildlife, Inc. FWI will have an opportunity to decide whether to join the Coalition.

— Jim Vashro

January 2022 Newsletter

Presidents Message – November

Published on 12/04/21

I shot a buck 3 days before Thanksgiving, 57 years to the day since I shot my first deer. That thought brought a flood of emotions. I can still picture that first buck bouncing through the timber into an opening, then turning broadside and stopping. You’ve got to love mule deer. There have been a lot of deer since then and this one wasn’t a whopper but I’m happy to say my heart was pounding while I waited for this one to step into the clear. I hope I never lose that thrill.


I was hunting on some Flathead Ridge Ranch property. We’ve seen some seismic shifts in land ownership the last few years in northwest Montana. Thank goodness private landowners like Mark and Robyn Jones were willing to put most of their 127,000 acre Flathead Ridge Ranch into Block Management. There are many other landowners who are willing to grant access if you do your homework. And corporate timber companies like Stimson Lumber, FH Stoltze Land and Lumber, Green Diamond Resources and Southern Pines Plantation are cooperating to provide access through Block Management and conservation easements (more on that elsewhere in this newsletter). I also hunted a lot of Block Management in the Missouri Breaks this fall. When you think about it, it’s a big leap of faith for landowners to open their lands to people toting firearms, driving vehicles and building fires. We need to thank them when we can, treat the land like our own and respect the privilege we’ve been given because the thoughtless actions of a few can make that all go away.

This was a tough year with record high temperatures and little or no snow. I’ve only heard of rutting buck activity in the last week. I hope your hunts were fun and safe, created memories with friends and family and maybe even put some venison in the freezer. As I look at a forecast for temperatures in the 50s tomorrow and my lawn greening up, I’m contemplating whether I’ll be using my lawnmower or snowblower first.

Jim Vashro
Flathead Wildlife President

Download the link below and read the FWI November Newsletter

New attached file


Published on 06/25/21

There are numerous bears and mountain lions close to residential areas around the Flathead. People should always be aware, carry bear spray when appropriate, and keep attractants such as dog food, bird feeders, garbage, and chickens out of reach.
